Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why Blog?

I recently completed a 30 day photo challenge on Facebook, and became inspired.  I loved taking a few minutes each day to share something that was actually meaningful to me,  Then a few days ago I was talking to my boyfriend about how much I had enjoyed that challenge and that I missed having that outlet for my thoughts, and he told me I should "start a blog!"  I'm not entirely sure where it will go, or what I will share, but I am looking forward to capturing moments of my life in writing.

Here are a few of my days during the 30 day challenge:

 Day 1-A picture of yourself with ten facts
1: I'm 22 years old
2: I have a few wonderful friends that I don't know what i would do without
3: My family is absolutely amazing
4: i just graduated from San Francisco State University
5: I could literally go shopping everyday
6: I never have anything to wear, even though my closet is full to the max
7: I love Jesus
8: I want a new job more than anything at the moment (prayers please ♥)
9: Someday I am going to marry that boy I am so in love with ♥
10: I eat tomatoes like apples. yumm. lol

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
My entire family-they have ALWAYS been there for me, and I know they ALWAYS will be. I am so incredibly blessed to have them. ♥

Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without. Kyle Andrew Haubert♥ my absolute best friend, and the love of my life. He has made such a positive impact in my life, and I am so grateful for him every single day. Love you baby!

Until next time...

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