Friday, August 12, 2011

Fabulous Find Friday!

So...I might be a slight shopping addict.  Okay, more like a MAJOR shopping addict!  But at least I am always shopping for a bargain.  I tend to shop at place like Ross and TJ Maxx, and Marshalls.  With how quickly fashion trends change, and how much I like to stay up on them, I think its smarter to spend less money on my clothes.  Today, I spent the morning shopping with my mom.  She is in the process of losing weight, and has already done such a great job!  As a result, she was looking for some tops that fit her a little better so we headed out to TJ Maxx.  We found her a few really cute tops and of course I looked for myself as well- and I found these boots:

I don't know the brand, and I don't know what store they originally came from.  But when I put them on my feet, I instantly had to have them.  I love how edgy they are.  The buckles, and the scuffed up toes, and the mix of the leather and canvas.  LOVE! And the best part...this fabulous find only set me back $30.  Yep, totally worth it.

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