Wednesday, August 3, 2011

That "coming home" feeling

On July 5th of this year I embarked on a new adventure in my life as I left my current job  and accepted a new job at Nordstrom.  I've been there almost a month to the day-and I am in love.  You know that feeling of coming home after a long trip and all you want to do is sleep in your own bed?  That's exactly how this new job feels to me-it feels like going home.  After several years of being treated badly in the work place, and never being recognized for anything I did right-yet always being called out for what I did wrong-It feels amazing to be in a place where this is not the case.  I receive reviews, and always know exactly where I stand.  I can check my progress, and always know what I need to do to improve.  There's open communication, and open doors.  And even better than all of this-there's CLOTHES!
For those of you know me, you know what a clothes-horse I am.  I LOVE shopping.  (This is probably the best as well as the most dangerous aspect of my new job-its important that I walk away with some sort of paycheck which is difficult with the new clothes we get in every single day! lol)  The hardest part of this job?  Commission Sales.  On the one hand commission is wonderful-you can make some good money.  BUT on the other hand commission can bring out the worst in people, and can make for an extremely competitive work environment.  This was probably the scariest part of this new job for me.  I had never experienced commissioned sales before, and I had no idea really how to sell.  But here's where that "coming home" feeling comes in again-I don't feel like I'm selling-I'm shopping with new friends all day every day.  I've picked out outfits for ladies to wear to weddings; I've helped high school girls do their back to school shopping;  I spent two hours with a woman who had a one year old baby girl and hadn't shopped in two years and needed a new wardrobe; and I met a little woman who comes in at least once a week and just wanders around.  I look forward to her visits-and she is just delighted I remember her name.  These things might seem silly, or unimportant to some people.  After all, I'm "just a sales girl" but, I really do love it.  I love that everyday I can use a passion of mine and share it with others in a way that truly can impact their life.  I love setting up a room for someone and them thanking me for all the cute outfits I put together for them.  I love being asked my opinion, because someone trusts my sense of style.  I love that feeling of helping others feel good in their own skin just by putting on a new outfit.  I now look forward to work every single day, and THAT is a new adventure in itself.
Feel free to stop by sometime and visit me at my "home".  

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