Monday, February 13, 2012


With Valentine's Day coming up LOVE seems like an obvious topic to blog about.
However, my inspiration for this posting is actually from a movie I saw tonight with my bf.

We went to see "The Vow"...which I have been dieing to see since I first saw the preview.  
Quick synopsis: a young (newly) married couple is involved in a car accident in which the wife suffers a traumatic brain injury resulting in memory loss.  Ultimately she loses the last 5 years of her memory and has no recollection of her husband-who in turn tries to make her fall in love with him again.
(I promise you I am giving away nothing that wasn't already given away in the previews-so no worries!)

First of all-how incredibly sad.
And second-what an amazing love. 

I sat through the movie...well cried through it (lol)...thinking about the couple the story was based on.  The real life couple that went through much of what I watched.  I thought about how scary it must have been for her, and how heartbreakingly difficult for him.

The Love of his Life, the woman he Married-had no idea who he was.

I thought of how he could have responded to this news: leaving her immediately, changing stories as he tried to help her remember, getting frustrated and giving up...

But, Love is a pretty powerful thing.
At dinner I mentioned these thoughts to my bf.
I was enjoying my dinner with him when I glanced over and saw this couple in line waiting to order.  She was telling him something, and he sweetly leaned in and kissed her on the forehead and they smiled at each other.  I too, have experienced this type of moment with my bf...many times.  And obviously, it wasn't the first time I've seen a sweet exchange between two people, but having just seen this movie, it got me into deep thinking.  
So, yes, back to what I brought up...this persistent kind of love that I witnessed in the movie.  What makes that happen for some people?  What sparks that interest for two people?  What makes you love a person so insanely much that you are willing to overcome loss of memory just for the chance to love them some more?  What makes you feel so strongly for one person, and nothing for another?
I asked all of these things-i think at first the bf thought I wanted to date other people. (not the case AT ALL).  lol.  It was more my point actually...what was it that so strongly ties me to him, that didn't tie me to anyone else?  What made that boy in line sweetly kiss that girls head, and have no intimate feelings for anyone else?  What made the husband fight to make his wife love him again...when she couldn't even remember she was his wife?
We discussed timing...
Life situations...
Growth of feelings over time...
And ultimately concluded: It's a God thing.

Some people are in your life for a short time-they can leave a mark large or small, or leave absolutely no imprint at all.  Then there's those who stay much longer-forever even-and they leave a lasting impression.  But none of those relationships come close to that person that God created with you in mind.  The one you would keep falling in love with over, and over, and over again...the one you'd fight for....the one you'd do anything for.
And there's really no explanation for why this happens...or when it happens...or with whom it happens. Except...that "It's a God thing."

As humans, we make mistakes.  Often we take advantage of this gift of love.  We treat it badly, we talk down to it, we disrespect it, some even cheat on it, abuse it, and throw it away.  But this love is a gift.  Its a representation of His love for us.  I believe it is what He gave us to help us through the good and the bad...the happy and the sad.  No one will ever love us like He does...but he can sure put people in our lives to be examples, and reminders, of the love that he provides. 

I challenge you to cherish the love in your life.  On Valentine's Day, and everyday in between. 

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