Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I've been happy a lot in my life.
I like to think I'm typically a happy person.
I've had my rough times in life that definitely made it complicated to stay happy...But I've had more happy times than sad.
But I can honestly say, I have NEVER been this happy before.

I'm having a hard time even grasping the reality of last week's events.
Even so, I have already jumped right into wedding planning...
We've picked colors, looked at venues, and if it all works as we hope...we've picked a date.  I have bridesmaids, and a maid of honor, and a ring bearer.  And this Sunday I am going to a Bridal Fair and to look at dresses for the first time.
And even with all of that, even with the ring on my finger...I still feel in shock that it happened.  And I feel so incredibly happy.  Like butterflies in my tummy, goofy grin on my face, staring at my ring for hours kind of happy.

I am so grateful for all the family and friends who have helped us celebrate over the last week.  We love you and are so thankful for all of you.

And thank you fiancé, for making me the happiest I have ever been.
I am looking forward to this year of excitement with you...
And I can't wait to be your wife.

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