Saturday, September 10, 2011

Not "Just Another Year Older"

Today is my 23rd birthday...Usually, I love my birthday and make a HUGE deal out of it.  I jokingly call September my "birth month" and insist that the entire month should be spent celebrating me-so what if I'm not really joking? :)
This year has felt different though...
I didn't count down the weeks and days...I didn't plan a party...I'm not going anywhere out of town...and I  only took one day off from work instead of the usual week.
I was thinking about my lack of enthusiasm for the last few days and even started to feel a little depressed that I would just be "another year older."
And then yesterday, as I was feeling sorry for myself, I just started to feel really grateful.  Grateful to be celebrating another year of life, when we aren't even guaranteed a day.  Grateful to have the friends and family in my life that I do have and that care about me very much.  And ultimately really grateful for the things that happened while being 22.
While I was 22...
I worked a job, was a full time student, commuted to San Francisco for school, and got straight A's, before graduating this past May.
I made some new friendships, and strengthened some old.
I fell even more in love with my amazing boyfriend, and we celebrated 5 years together.
I found a job that I really enjoy, that will ultimately use my degree and my passion.
I took steps toward my future-steps that I feel good about.
I worked through some fears with the help of my family and my God.
And, I learned I'm stronger than I knew.
I did a lot of great things at 22.  I learned a lot and I accomplished some things that I am truly proud of.  Im excited to see what God has in store for year 23.
I have a feeling this is going to be another great year.

1 comment:

  1. It's always fabulous to be grateful for everything the life in our years gives us! :) Happy Birthday, Jerra - I hope you have a wonderful 23rd year!! xo (PS. welcome to the blogging world!)
