Sunday, September 18, 2011

If only I could see what the future holds.'s the situation...I've been at my new job for just a little over two months now, and as I've posted before, I love it.  I love working with clothes, and I love helping people pick them out.  Essentially, I shop all day long.
Two days ago, I was offered a new position as a Personal Stylist.  As a personal stylist I would continue to do what I do now, but I would do it on an appointment base only-which to be perfectly honest is very hard for me.  Not the actual appointment part-I actually find that to be a lot of fun.  In an appointment I can go all over the store with whoever I am shopping with.  I can pull together outfits and set them up in a room in advance so that when they arrive they can just try things on.  Its the actual making of the appointment that is stressful to me.  I find it difficult making phone calls to people I've never met and asking them to come in and shop with me. Why the heck would they want to do that?  Why should they trust me to do that for them?  I do enjoy the challenge...but it also stresses me out.
So, do I take a job that is appointment driven after only being with the company for 60 days?  Or, do I stay where I am at, continue to learn and grow from the amazing managers that I have, and try and move on at a later time when I feel more prepared?
Oh, and I have to decide by tomorrow morning.
Wishing I had a crystal ball so I could see into the future....
Praying, and hoping for God's guidance instead.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Road Im On

Yesterday, I was so lucky to get to go to the Rascal Flatts concert.  My wonderful boyfriend bought the both of us tickets for my birthday.  I am obsessed with country music, and Rascal Flatts would have to be my favorite country band.  I love them!  And I love them even more now that I know what an amazing concert they put on!
I was first introduced to Rascal Flatts back in high school.  I had heard a few of their songs and I liked them.  But there was one song of theirs that REALLY made me fall in love with them.  I actually wrote about it in a previous blog about music and how there seems to be a song attached to so many memories in my life.  "Bless The Broken Road" definitely one of those songs.  When I was 15 years old, I experienced my first real heartbreak.  My boyfriend (who I really hadn't been with too long-but really liked), broke up with me out of nowhere.  Needless to say, I was devastated.  I found myself questioning what I had done wrong, and being extremely hard on myself.  I was convinced that no one would ever love me and that I had some sort of problem.  My mom, being the amazing woman that she is, heard "Bless the Broken Road" and shared it with me one day after school.  She told me that she had heard this song and she wanted me to be encouraged by it.  She told me that one day I would figure out why none of these relationships ever worked out-because God had a plan for exactly who I was supposed to be with, and he would bless that broken road.  At 15, I definitely thought she was wrong.  I was convinced no one would ever love me and I would die alone.  Silly, I'm aware, but I couldn't help it.  I experienced a few more heartbreaks along the way...and each time I listened to that song and tried to remind myself that it wasn't meant to be.
Last night, I slow danced under the stars to "Bless the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts with my boyfriend of  over five years.  You wouldn't think a concert would be emotional, or spark such strong feelings, but that moment really did for me.  I honestly welled up with tears as we swayed back and forth, and I sang along with the words.  I felt so lucky looking back on my road and seeing where I came from and where I am now.   I feel incredibly blessed to have my guy in my life, and I felt that so much in that moment.  Same song, several years later, entirely different meaning in my life.  God blessed my broken road, and led me straight into those loving arms.  I am incredibly grateful for his plan, and for all the things that never worked out before.

"Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you"

   I Love You!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Not "Just Another Year Older"

Today is my 23rd birthday...Usually, I love my birthday and make a HUGE deal out of it.  I jokingly call September my "birth month" and insist that the entire month should be spent celebrating me-so what if I'm not really joking? :)
This year has felt different though...
I didn't count down the weeks and days...I didn't plan a party...I'm not going anywhere out of town...and I  only took one day off from work instead of the usual week.
I was thinking about my lack of enthusiasm for the last few days and even started to feel a little depressed that I would just be "another year older."
And then yesterday, as I was feeling sorry for myself, I just started to feel really grateful.  Grateful to be celebrating another year of life, when we aren't even guaranteed a day.  Grateful to have the friends and family in my life that I do have and that care about me very much.  And ultimately really grateful for the things that happened while being 22.
While I was 22...
I worked a job, was a full time student, commuted to San Francisco for school, and got straight A's, before graduating this past May.
I made some new friendships, and strengthened some old.
I fell even more in love with my amazing boyfriend, and we celebrated 5 years together.
I found a job that I really enjoy, that will ultimately use my degree and my passion.
I took steps toward my future-steps that I feel good about.
I worked through some fears with the help of my family and my God.
And, I learned I'm stronger than I knew.
I did a lot of great things at 22.  I learned a lot and I accomplished some things that I am truly proud of.  Im excited to see what God has in store for year 23.
I have a feeling this is going to be another great year.