Wednesday, May 22, 2013

So much to tell you...

I haven't written a blog post in over a year.  I haven't written much period in over a year, but lately I've found myself missing the outlet.

 Last year around this time I decided to "live off the grid".  I deleted my Facebook, deactivated instagram, shut off my Twitter, and quit writing in my blog.  At the time I was planning our wedding, starting a new job and working on figuring things out for myself and honestly I just needed outside opinions to disappear...I have thoroughly enjoyed the quiet...and the things that "Living off the grid" has taught me.

Did you know that when you delete your facebook and your instagram, all of a sudden, people actually have to WANT to keep in touch, to stay in touch.  For a little while, I honestly struggled with this.  It suddenly felt like I had no friends...until the REAL friends started to surface.  The people that still called me, still text me, still cared to know about ME.  Ive learned a great deal about friendship over the last year...and I believe a lot of it has to do with my hiatus from social media.

However, writing on this blog for me, I realized, was different.  Writing is a way for me to work through things, to process, to express...and I've been missing that.

So, Im back.  Back to the blogging world...and I have so much to tell you!